Re: [DSII] Cheese it, Fellas! It's the cops!
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 14:59:35 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [DSII] Cheese it, Fellas! It's the cops!
--- John Crimmins <> wrote:
> And maybe some "Riot Tanks" (These really boxy
> wheeled Battletech vehicles,
> the name of which I cannot remember.), with which I
> shall amuse myself.
Please, post stats. Should be good for a laugh at
> The question is how to stat them. Infantry, I
> figure, will be treated as
> milita. Mostly greens, maybe one or two regulars.
> How about the vehicles,
> though? How to reflect their drivers' relative
> skill level? Give them
> basic firecons, make them all greens, give them all
> leaderships of 3, or
> something other?
Depends on the cops. I mean there's a big difference
between small-town British cops (who don't even show
up on the battlefield except as targets) and Italian
carabinieri (who are line teams with APSW support),
To take extremes of equipment. Training varies wildly
also--from assorted third-world types who are no more
than thugs with standardized equipment all the way to
RCMP and Carabinieri, both of whom would class as
regulars with some veterans. There's also the
question of what the local political climate is. If
there's an ongoing insurgency, the police will be more
prepared (training, experience, expectations) for
serious firefights than if they are just traffic cops
used to pulling over drunk drivers. Another point is
that SWAT units are likely to armed and equipped more
convetionally than regular cops. Another possibility
is to class them as assault units to represent the
higher proportion of pistols, SMGs, and shotguns over
BTW, I wouldn't class most cops as leadership 3.
That's indicative of bad leadership, not combat
As for riot control vehicles, they are used to
shooting area effect weapons at mobs. They likely
don't need more than basic FiCon.
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