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Re: [SG] Islamic Bombers

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 13:44:59 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [SG] Islamic Bombers

--- Richard and Emily Bell <>

> Did it kill them?  

No, they committed suicide later.

>Was it a doomsday cult that felt desperate?  

They were planning to meet the aliens flying behind
the Hale-Bopp comet.  I don't know the details of
their mythology, but this statement repeated in the
media makes me presume that it was as muddled as the
science behind that plan.

>If it takes more training to produce a suicide bomber
>than a combat rifleman,
> why aren't you producing more combat riflemen?

Cultural differences.  ie, it's easier for
Palestinians to produce suicide bombers than good
infantrymen.  It would be much harder for US to
produce suicide bombers because we don't think that

> Castration is not that extreme.  There are people
> that voluntarily
> reject the pleasures of the flesh, but make it
> harder by NOT castrating
> themselves.  

We call them "monks".  Or nuns.

There was a time in Chinese history
> where guaranteeing that
> you would have no blood descendants was the surest
> way to political
> power.  

You couldn't plot to coup onto the throne.  However,
this didn't prevent them from plotting on behalf of


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