Re: DS2: Design questions of my own.
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 10:48:54 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: DS2: Design questions of my own.
--- Glenn M Wilson <> wrote:
> John what is your opinion on MICV's as ('steel
> cavalry' or Troop carriers
> able to knock out Tanks) versus "Battle Taxi APC's"
> - where is the line,
> if there is one, that one crosses over from strong
> but viable Infantry
> carrier with teeth to the state you mention above in
> DS2? SOme of the
> things I read/hear about MICV's sound exactly like
> your description above
> - Tank Killing Assault Carriers...
IMHO, autocannon are fine, but AT missles are over the
top. Instead of a TOWII launcher on a Bradley, a
Javelin launcher with 2-3 rounds would be a better
idea, with the extra space used to add another
dismount (or two). On the other hand, as much _armor_
as you can handle. Turretless obsolete MBTs are good
if you don't need a lot of transportability.
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