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RE: [OFFICIAL] Offers and stuff!

From: "B Lin" <lin@r...>
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 17:01:30 -0700
Subject: RE: [OFFICIAL] Offers and stuff!

That's an Urban Legend...

The House with Unpainted Lead

Once a long time ago, before man moved from caves, he had small lumps of
metal - usually lead, but occasionally copper or gold that he used as
figurines.  Even these early models were unpainted.  As he became more
sophisticated, he started using ashes, clay or other pigments to
highlight his figures.	Eventually they became full-fledged painted
miniatures that we know and love today.  Man has always had unpainted
lead in his house, even when it was a cave.

The origin of the House with No Unpainted Lead has been around for
centuries, probably propogated by disgruntled spouses who saw their
vases and decorative arts displaced by storage boxes for unpainted lead.
 They pictured an "ideal" lead-free environment, completely devoid of
figures.  Obviously this could never happen, and so the rumor mutated
into a more benign form - Unpainted Lead-free house.  Further evidence
of this conspiracy is shown by the fact that lead paints are now banned
for sale, and efforts are currently being made to remove lead based
paints from houses.  How much longer until LEAD figures are next?  After
all they might be painted with a LEAD based paint, and go forbid, they
contain LEAD!  Even lead-free figures might not escape, since mere
contact with lead figures might taint them in such a way that you need
to dispose of them, "just to be on the safe side".  

To combat this scourge, we must stamp out this horrible rumor that a
house exists without unpainted lead.  Take up your leaden muskets, rally
around our miniature banners and kill the nebulous beast!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jaime Tiampo []
> Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 4:49 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] Offers and stuff!
> Paul Owen wrote:
> > 
> > The offers are now available at the store so no more 
> excuses, if you dont
> > have any unpainted lead figures in your house, we know who 
> you are, where
> > you live and what you need, everyone needs unpainted lead.
> It's possible not to have unpainted lead? I thought there was somesort
> of law of something. I've had these 3 storage boxes of 
> unopened packages
> for nothing all these years?
> Jaime

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