Prev: Pudding - was RE: About those Piranha Bugs - LOOOOONG (and more LOOOOONG) Next: RE: About those Piranha Bugs - LOOOOONG

RE: About those Piranha Bugs - LOOOOONG (Scavenger vs. Predator)

From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 14:01:38 -0800
Subject: RE: About those Piranha Bugs - LOOOOONG (Scavenger vs. Predator)

B Lin>Not really.  It implies that they are really good scavengers. 
eating beetles have been used for a long time at museums to prepare 
skeletons and they aren't predators, just really good scavengers.

Scavengers eat things already dead.  Predators kill things and eat them.
Simplistic, but applicable in this case.  The bugs killed and ate the 
humans.  Sounds predatory to me.

>Sharks are really good predators, but unless you have sufficient fat 
>content, they won't eat you.  They might bite to take a taste, but
>you are of sufficient caloric density, they won't waste additional time
>you.  That's one reason so many people survive shark "attacks", the
>was merely tasting and didn't bother to follow up on someone who tastes

>like wood and styrofoam or didn't have enough fat to make it worthwhile
>a followup.  Being a predator does not automatically imply that they
>always attack and eat things down to the bone.  Vice versa, just
>something eats flesh to the bone doesn't necessarily imply a predator.

It does if it was the something that killed the flesh in the first

Brian B2

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Prev: Pudding - was RE: About those Piranha Bugs - LOOOOONG (and more LOOOOONG) Next: RE: About those Piranha Bugs - LOOOOONG