Re: [FYI] World's Longest page on tracks vs wheels
From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <aebrain@a...>
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 19:23:41 +1100
Subject: Re: [FYI] World's Longest page on tracks vs wheels
From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <>
> OK. For the record, the Bv206 is not a SISU - it doesn't even come
> same country <g> The Armor Magazine article I referred to was about
> SISU; it specifically commented on the wheeled-vs-tracked mobility
I was astounded to see the RSwArmed Forces use BMPs. MT-LBs I can
they're good vehicles. But making BMP's road-safe is expensive. And the
situation of the fueltanks leaves much to be desired. That RPG-7 on
that is their main gun is I suppose OK, but IMHO a 14.5 would be better.
Hell, so would a Charlie Gustache. Your opinion?
(I'm aware that the BMP-2's turret is less than wonderful, and the
is basically non-functional most of the time - the BMP-1's in some ways
best of em , as well as the cheapest.)
BTW for all those M-113 afficionados out there: Australia is improving
113s, but at one time we were seriously looking at MT-LBs. Protection is
mediocre, they're a bit cramped, mine protection is not good, but the
mobility is truly excellent. High temperature performance may not be so
good though, which is why AFAICR we dropped em from consideration.