Re: UV detection mutants
From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <aebrain@a...>
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 18:45:00 +1100
Subject: Re: UV detection mutants
From: "Derek Fulton" <>
> >Dunno about full-spectrum, but OZCAM is both IR and visual cammo - as
> >are our face creams.
> I always find this information interesting, when the AUSCAM uniforms
> first issued, comments were made almost informally by NCOs and platoon
> commanders that they were supposed have some sort of IR camo. But this
> would be degraded by washing them, no further detailed explanation was
> given and we washed our uniforms regularly. It could well be true but
> soon joined other such interesting army myths such as the
> rifle' leaving it on the range overnight, come back next morning and
> would be zeroed in ;)
Logistics sergeant.
A Researcher who helped develop the chemicals, whiose name I forget.
Instruction sheet (standing orders re Laundry) to ADFA cadets.