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RE: Scouts and EW guys

From: "laserlight@q..." <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 12:31:55 -0500
Subject: RE: Scouts and EW guys

From: Thomas Barclay
>I agree an EW guy per section is useful. Note 
that EW doesn't appear all that frequently 
(attached at platoon level usually) in the SG2 
universe (or seems to be). 
>So, why? Probably because there are 
(undescribed) reasons. I'd suggest since we 
can make PA, portable plasma guns, etc, that 
we can make portable HARMs, perhaps as 
ammo for HAMRs, other sniper weapons, or 
perhaps as GMS/P rounds.

Possibly it's a case of "everyone has Basic level ECM and ECCM built in,
it evens out so is not worth mentioning"

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