[SG]Mechanized "Issues"
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2002 11:22:40 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [SG]Mechanized "Issues"
OK, I really don't play Stargrunt a whole not, so it's
been getting sort of low priority with me as far as
working out MTOEs. But I've started work on the 2180
Theta Series revised Infantry Platoons.
Just to set ground rules: These MTOEs aren't intended
to be fair, balanced, or fun to face. They are
supposed to be effective. I use the Leaders as
Individuals, Platoon Sergeant, and Marksman rules (now
conveniently located at stargrunt.ca)
The main body of my army is mechanized, and the elite
corp is all power armored. Given the SGII design
rules, you can't stuff more than 6 PA suits into a
size 3 vehicle and still mount a gun. And there's no
room at all for anti-armor capability.
So the first thing I did was design the Tagmatic
Skutatoi (Elite Corps Mechanized Infantry). The
minimum headquarters element is a Platoon Leader, EW
Tech, and Medic. Because I had no anti-armor
capability on the vehicles, I wanted some in the
platoon and so I added a small weapons squad of 2
GMS/L crews, two men each. With 24 slots in the 4
vehicles, I decided that I couldn't fit everyone in if
I kept 3 line squads. So I dropped it down to two
line squads, but beefed them up to 8 men each. The
remaining slot was filled with a Marksman in the
platoon HQ. This will require revising my DSII MTOEs
to reflect 5 PA Rifle Teams and 2 PA GMS/L teams. But
where's the platoon sergeant? Funny you should ask.
You see, I established that (unlike US doctrine) the
Platoon Leader should always dismount. So that leaves
the majority of the platoon's firepower under the
control of the. . . what, senior Sergeant? Hell, no.
I left the PSG as the TC of one of the 4 AFVs. It's
his responsiblity to fight them. Now, obviously this
MTOE would be almost useless without it's vehicles,
but I'm pretty happy with the result.
2xLine Squads: SL, TL, 2xAR, 2xSAW, 2xAA
HQ Section: PL, EW, Medic, Marksman
WPNs Squad: 2xGMS/L Gunners, 2xAG
SL: Squad Leader: PA w/ Gauss Rifle w/GL
TL: Team Leader: PA w/ Gauss Rifle w/GL
AR: Automatic Rifleman: PA w/Gauss Rifle w/GL
SAW: Squad Automatic Weapon Gunner: PA w/Gauss SAW
AA: Anti-Armor Gunner: PA w/Gauss Rifle w/GL & 2xIAVR
PL: Platoon Leader: PA w/Gauss Rifle w/GL and Commo
suite (I use German PA and they make one with antennas
on his back)
EW: Electronic Warfare Specialist: PA w/Gauss Rifle
w/GL and EW Suite
Marksman: PA w/ Gauss Sniper Rifle
GMS/L Gunner: PA w/ Gauss Rifle w/ GL and GMS/L Launch
Tube. Note that I figure I can get away with this
because the tube doesn't need sights (built into
helmet and launcher can interface) or a tripod (Servos
on the PA will do nicely).
GMS/L AG: PA w/ Gauss Rifle w/ GL and 3xGMS/L Rounds.
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