Re: In A Perfect Game: SG/DS/RPG's - Experience Vs. Training
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2001 17:09:37 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: In A Perfect Game: SG/DS/RPG's - Experience Vs. Training
--- Don M <> wrote:
> It is an almost 1950s mentality on both side with
You misspelled "1050s" on the religious intolerance
but their nuclear warfighting doctrine makes our 1950s
doctrine look positively realistic. And we at least
had the excuse of total ignorance about little factors
like fallout.
> years of religious
> intolerance
> on top of it.............Add to this that one side
> will be reincarnated and
> the other
> gets a host of virgins in paradise and you have all
> the makings of a
> Glow-in-Dark
> goat screw..........Damn now I'm depressed!
Hey, if it weren't for the fact that Americans are
going to be caught in the middle, I'd have a case of
beer and watch the Six Minute War with mild amusement.
Sort of a final chapter to the boneheaded history of
English Colonialism (granted that the English have
done better than some other colonialists--but feeling
good about comparisons to Imperial Japan, Leopold of
Belgium, and the Spanish Inquisition mean you're in
the wrong category to begin with.)
If only we could get Syria and Iraq to nuke each
other--now that's a fireworks show I could appreciate.
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