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From: "Thomas Barclay" <kaladorn@f...>
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2001 01:00:08 -0500
Subject: Grav

I saw the posting on Grav. Here's one thought:

What makes you think a Grav vehicle is the only 
thing that needs to equally armour its bottom 
and top in the GZGverse? If I can invent top 
attack missiles, I can maybe invent bottom 
attack missiles. Mines are nasty. We might have 
a bouncing projectile that hits the bottom 
armour. I think weapons of the future will be 
fairly dangerous to whatever aspect of a vehicle 
they choose to be, and consequently 
consideration must be made to armouring all 
sides. Top-attack GMS or rear-attack will be 
present, as will bomblets. Maybe I produce 
some bomblet rounds that stick into the 
ground and explode upward as a vehicle drives 
over them..... in short, armour must appear on 
all sides. Or else you run a big risk. And the GZG 
armour model (right now) seems to support 
that contention. 

Thomas Barclay
Instructor, CST 6304 (TCP/IP programming for the Internet)

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