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Re: In A Perfect Game: SG/DS/RPG's - Experience Vs. Training

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2001 20:35:13 -0500
Subject: Re: In A Perfect Game: SG/DS/RPG's - Experience Vs. Training

From: Brian Bilderback <>
> 5. Experience is more accurately reflected on the individual, not
> level.

No, because the veterans will, if possible, take the new guys in hand
and pass along their experience.  If the new guys are fed in while the
unit is on the front line--eg American policy in WW2--then they may
not live long enough to learn anything.  Jim Dunnigan's book Dirty
Little Secrets of WW2 says that being a replacement was substantially
more dangerous than being an infantryman who was part of the unit when
it was initially formed.

Training, after all, is "passing on experience" in a formal,

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