Re: In A Perfect Game: SG/DS/RPG's - Experience Vs. Training
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2001 14:10:30 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: In A Perfect Game: SG/DS/RPG's - Experience Vs. Training
--- Brian Bilderback <> wrote:
> >There's plenty of badly trained troops who fight
> like
> >fanatics.
> But did they fight EFFECTIVELY? You've brought up
> the Experience Vs. Morale
> issue, not Experience vs Training....
After a certain point, quantity and fanaticism take on
a quality all their own.
But I'm a bit confused. I'd been reading this
discussion as reflecting the fact that FMA unit
quality reflects both effectiveness and morale. Thus
in the "real" world you might have Ghazis that fight
like Green troops but are as motivated as Elites. So
you roll a d6 for anything that is soldier skills
(taking position, firepower, close combat) but d12 for
morale checks. What exactally did you have in mind?
As far as game terms, you have morale, and you have
ability to do their job (soldier skills). Both are
affected heavily by both training and experience.
There's also tactical ability of their chain of
command, but that's reflected by the player, not the
dice. That's also affected heavily by training and
experience--which is why I've met a tanker who does
well with Dirtside but not so good with Stargrunt. :)
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