Re: Catholics in Space!
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2001 19:45:14 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Catholics in Space!
--- Alan and Carmel Brain <>
> Anyway, here's my opinion: The Anglican (in the US
> Episcopalian) church
> is but pre-Vatican 2 Catholicism without the Pope or
> Priestly celebacy,
> at least in the High form. Post-Vatican 2
> catholicism is way more relaxed,
> laid-back and even a bit touchy-feely new-age-ish.
As a Catholic I knew once but it, "Catholics are just
johnny-come-lately Lutherans."
> Here's a question for you:
> In its 400 year history, How many people in toto did
> the Spanish Inquisition
> burn (or cause to be burnt)?
The seconds point is the important one--IIRC, the
Inquisition couldn't actually execute anyone. They
had to hand over death penalty cases to the Spanish
> Comparison with the Ottomans is quite appropriate.
Not a choice I'd want to make. Although, "Better the
Sultan's Turban than the Cardinal's Hat" was a fairly
popular saying when the Orthodox Church was
considering union with the Latins as an alternative to
conquest of the City by the Turk.
> Then there's the Crusades against the Hussites,
That doesn't count. Getting kicked around by a bunch
of farmers counts as stupidity, not opression.
> Mother Church. Some people never do get the word -
> take a look at the
> behaviour of some Serbs to some Bosnians.
Who are Orthodox, not Catholic. Croats are the
Catholic psychos (well, them and the Irish except for
those who are Prod psychos).
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