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Re: Catholics in space - been done!

From: Edward Lipsett <translation@i...>
Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2001 16:26:30 +0900
Subject: Re: Catholics in space - been done!

Read James Cabell... and have (depending on your religious proclivities)
either aspirin or beer close at hand.

Thomas Barclay wrote:
> Here's an odd thought (it's late...): Maybe if
> there is a Supreme Dude, he suffers from
> multiple-personality disorder? ...or just has
> one wicked sense of humor..... :)

As an experience, madness is terrific... and in its lava I still find
most of the things I write about.	
- Virginia Woolf, letter to Ethel Smyth
Edward Lipsett
Intercom, Ltd.
Fukuoka, Japan
Tel: +81-92-712-9120

Prev: Catholics in space - been done! Next: Australian fires