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[OT] - Is David Dunn out there?

From: adrian.johnson@s...
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2001 09:30:36 -0700
Subject: [OT] - Is David Dunn out there?

Hi!  Sorry to the list for the extra noise here.

David, are you out there?

I've tried sending you a couple of messages via the 


address, and it keeps bouncing with a funky "Mail System Error" message:

"This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:

Each of the following recipients was rejected by a remote mail server.
The reasons given by the server are included to help you determine why
each recipient was rejected.

    Recipient: <>
    Reason:    5.7.1 <>... Access denied"


I tried sending to the alternative yahoo address shown on your DLD
Productions website, also.

If you are out there, please reply to me off-list.

Once again, sorry to everyone else for the "personal" message!	Thanks
your patience.




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