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RE: [OT] Voting schemes

From: "laserlight@q..." <>
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 12:40:53 -0500
Subject: RE: [OT] Voting schemes

> >There  have been a number of countries with similar a 
> plutocratic voting schemes. 

>Well, states which had voting schemes based on the wealth of their 
voters and/or excluded poor citizens either completely or restricted 
them to specific topics include: 

I didn't mean "franchise restrictions based on wealth", I meant "vote by
sending money".  There are several ways to do this: you might
vote/contribute to a politician, passage or not of a law, or a program;
you might allocate any figure you like, or a minimum, or a maximum.  But
you'd have to send the money to vote.

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