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RE: BN FMA: Some questions and thoughts

From: Michael Brown <mwbrown@v...>
Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2001 22:16:15 -0800
Subject: RE: BN FMA: Some questions and thoughts

Assuming 1 mu = 500m to 2 km, then 1 stand (Infantry or Vehicle) can be
platoon.  Players will be Battalion/TF Commanders.  Time scale is @
to an hour.  Movement can be huge, though this does not mean that every
mu will 
be or should be used.  VTOL and Grav start to come into their own.

Starts to look like Ogre.

Michael Brown

-----Original Message-----
From:	Laserlight
Sent:	Saturday, December 08, 2001 11:48 AM
Subject:	Re: BN FMA:  Some questions and thoughts

> 1. What is the nominal ground scale?

>From here to yonder is one depends on the unit size, which
leads us to

> 2. IIRC, the GZG background describes Task forces of companies and
> platoons.  These could be the smallest units.

But we have DS2 already for that, and I'm expecting it to be FMA-ized
relatively soon.  For FMA:BN, I'm hoping to get something:
a) as quick and easy as DBA or Ogre
b) suitable for campaigns--so scale should be about battalion/brigade
c) *not* excessively detailed--should be flexible enough to fit any
background (Slammers, Ogre, GZGverse, whatever) without too many
special rules

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