Re: Why we fight (there was an old B&W movie by that name IIRC)
From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2001 15:40:09 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Why we fight (there was an old B&W movie by that name IIRC)
On 7-Dec-01 at 15:34, John Atkinson ( wrote:
> Right. Like I said, cadaver-like obedience (I forget
> the German term) is useful if you want men to stand in
> line and fire three shots a minute. I want my troops
> to fire and maneuver like humans, not stand still like
> corpses.
Training is to take care of all the little things. You don't
want to think about how to take the safety off, you don't
want to invent handsignals on the spot. When you have all
the little things to the point you don't need to think of
them you can then think about "What can I do to give me
my best chances of succeeding and surviving?"
I have always been bothered by the concept that a little
fear and adrenalin makes you into a machine.