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Re: Questions regarding NAC ground units, was SG IF morale

From: Glenn M Wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Tue, 04 Dec 2001 23:14:48 EST
Subject: Re: Questions regarding NAC ground units, was SG IF morale

On Sun, 2 Dec 2001 19:50:20 -0800 (PST) John Atkinson
<> writes:
>While America does not mind inherited wealth, or even
>hereditary sucession in control of political machines,
>the idea of some drooling inbred yahoo lording it
>around because his family happened to choose the right
>side of the Harold/Willie dispute would tend to make
>most of us reach for weaponry.

Minor point, under current American law I think that's called murder if
fatal, and assault in all the other cases.  <grin>

Of course, I can only speak for myself since I am not a delegate from
tribe, nation or group.  Current practices, beliefs, and perceived
"American" responses have absolutely no direct correlation to what might
occur that far in the future after a general collapse of society as
postulated by GZG's setting.

I am sure there would be a diverse response to the people who brought
control to a civil war - remember we are talking a fictional setting,
a perceptual or actual generalization of anyone's stereotyped view(s) of

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