Re: [OT] What mailing list is this again?
From: johncrim@v...
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2001 22:56:32 -0500
Subject: Re: [OT] What mailing list is this again?
> > ...but marginally less entertaining. I refuse to take my gaming
> that
> > seriously, by gum! The more I think about it, the more inclined I
> am to
> > add the forces of the Free Station Of Ankh-Morpork to the
> Tuffleyverse, too.
> Ankh-Morpork, Alarish, what's the difference?
Well, maybe a little more structured. Prime Minister Vetinari ensures
that Ankh-Moropork
is a true democracy, one man, one vote. Vetinari is the man and he has
the vote....
Besides, Alrish doesn’t ban mimes, does it? And how can you have a
truly civilized
culture if you allow mimes?
To be marginally more serious, I did have an idea for an Alrishi colony:
A bunch of
academics determined to raise their children as native speakers of
E-Prime, a form of
English that eliminates any use of the verb "to be"
They’d make a good source of weird tech, methinks, not to mention
Illuminati agents.
John Crimmins
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