Re: Armalligator was: Email
From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2001 11:02:12 -0800
Subject: Re: Armalligator was: Email schrieb:
> > > Mechanically, it would be more efficient if
> > > the legs were vertical rather than spread
> > > out to the sides.
> >
> > However, there may be no need to lift if they develop
> > tech, tools etc that can be used in a dorso ventrally
> > flattened position. Many crabs are good at manipulating
> > stuff with little requirement for lifting up
> > as they do it this and while not analogous to the creature in
> > question octopus are brilliant at using tools without being in
> > a "lifted position".
>Here, I am not so much concerned with tool use as with locomotion.
>Unless the athmosphere/fluid where it habitually lives is dense enough
>to provide significant buoyancy, moving with splayed legs implies
>significant energy costs.
If you'll recall my original posting on this issue, these aliens are
to a world with an incredibly dense atmosphere, somewhere on the order
2-4 atmospheres. Is that dense enough to help?
> > > Sounds pretty weird. If the athmosphere is aggressive,
> > > where do pure metals come from ?
> >
> > They don't need to be pure, just accessible. The metals
> > we use biochemically aren't in pure forms.
>Naturally, metals will tend to corrode to the lowest-energy chemical
>state, especially in a high-temperature environment. They may be
>available but will need energy to change to usable forms.
The energy's called metabolism. Metal for these creatures is food, NOT
building material.
> > >Are there any "plants" that photosynthesize them ?
> > Don't need plants as such, bacterial (sulphur based)
> > chemosynthesis is more than enough for the vent fauna etc
> > of Earth and would be more than likely in
> > a planet (like Venus) where there is little if any direct
> > sunlight.
>Would that be sufficient to maintain continent-spanning ecosystems for
>very long time spans ?
I suppose it would if it were the predominant biological system on the
planet in question.
>Overall, I find the postulated biochemistry the less credible aspect of
>the Oitjuan. Something similar to hot-vent animals operating at 100+
>degrees celsius and high air pressure requires fewer leaps of faith
>and would be equally plausible for an environment that is uncomfortable
>for humans.
> > >> Musculature is mostly steel cable,
> > >
> > > Hard to see how this could evolve from primitive
> > organisms
> >
> > Well steel maybe, but I could live with analogous
> > structures (seeing some of the stuff really used on earth is
>I'm not so much concerned about the material as about the functions.
>First off, cables would not be analogous to muscles as engines for the
>movement, but rather to sinews, which link the muscles and moving limbs
>and that re-direct the movement. In the postulated electro-chemical
>organism, the analoge to muscles would be electric motors or linear
>electromagnetic actuators.
As my friend is not a biologist, some aspects of his original e-mail
NOT be included in the final xenology of the oitjuan. I suspect this
will be
one of the issues where things change significantly.
Brian B2
"The Irish are the only race of people on Earth for which psychoanalysis
of no use."
- S. Freud
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