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Re: Another political question re: Tuffleverse

From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Sun, 02 Dec 2001 21:12:51 -0800
Subject: Re: Another political question re: Tuffleverse

John Atkinson wrote:
> > >Each to his own--my alternate history includes
> > Turkey
> > >purging the last non-Turkish elements by 2044.
> >
> > I'm trying to stick at least partially to reality in
> > my extrapolation.

In a word, because I want to play Turks.

>And if we're assuming a really massive tide of
>fundamentalism and Pan-Islamism in that area of the
>world (which is what it would take for the Arabs to
>set aside their difference enough to accept the
>Saudis) are we able to be that cheerful?

I never said things would be easy for my Turks.

>I'm > assuming that Turkey maintains it's secular
> > attitude, and freedom actually > improves there.
>Although I've still to deal with > the Kurdish
>I've been assuming the Kurds threw in with the IFed in
>exchange for an autonomous Kurdistan. . .

Sounds plausible.

> > I just won't even touch that.
>More than a few of my non-canon touches are not
>particularly pleasant.  Hell, I've got the Romanovs
>and NSL partitioning Poland again.

I wasn't accusing it of being unpleasant, just too damn target-rich in
of snide French/Greek comments.

> > Why thank you, how considerate to consolidate all my
> > enemies for me.  It
> > would be interesting - A secular Turkish State, a
> > Byzantine Theocracy, and
> > an Islamic Theocracy.  Makes for an interesting
> > 3-way standoff, no?
>There's also the Saeed Kaliphate, which would consider
>the TR to be as much heretics as the IFed, the
>Romanovs (who probably can't decide who they hate
>more, the NRE or TR), and the ESU (which has large
>Turkic populations and won't look favorably on a free
>nation of Turks that would inspire seperatist

I'm going to have fuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnn.............

Brian B2

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