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Re: NAC Units, Why do we only talk about British Units

From: "Richard Kirke" <richardkirke@h...>
Date: Sun, 02 Dec 2001 18:25:40 +0000
Subject: Re: NAC Units, Why do we only talk about British Units

>However, Americans have been doing a fair job of making traditions out
>relatively young groups or organizations, and I've no doubt that the
>monarch would find it useful to try to grow such amongst each
>of the confederation. That would include traditions starting after our
>time period.

Yup, anything to keep the natives happy

"I know, if we give them a metal disk on a ribbon they'll fight harder!"
Some military genius a while ago

Still there is nothing as great as the Guards out on exersize ("I hope
remembered the fish knives private Smithe-Humphrey-Williams"), now


P.s. As ever no disrespect is intended to those with bits of Metal on 
ribbons, I am aware that their significance goes far beyond their
worth, as do the deeds they represent.

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