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Re: Another political question re: Tuffleverse

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2001 08:52:10 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Another political question re: Tuffleverse

--- Brian Bilderback <> wrote:

> Just HOW Islamic IS the Islamic Federation?

Yes.  Very yes.
> The reason I asked is this - My father-in-law spent
> 3 years teaching in > Turkey.  I've visited, and
really enjoyed the place.

No accounting for taste.

>  I was wondering if it > would be plausible to have
a planet somewhere> inhabited by Turks, who did 
> not want to be part of the IF.  

Sure.  It's where they sent all the "secularists" they
couldn't purge.

> Turkey.  The place would be a big draw for
> secularists and dissidents from 

Maybe even those Iranian Zoroastrians that noone's
found a home for yet.

> the IF, maybe it would even be hospitable towards
> Jews, and be on friendly 
> terms with NI.

That would be stretching it--Turks and Jews being
friendly is about as probable as the Caliph having a
ham sandwich and lighting a Christmas tree.

> Given Turkey's history, the powers it would probably
> be friendliest to would  > be the NSL, NAC, and OU
(by coincidence, my wife and > I visited Turkey at the

> same time as ANZAC Day.   I saw as many flags with
> Southern Crosses on them  > as Crescent Moons). 
They'd probably be cordial > towards the FSL and 
> Romanov's, cautious but polite to the ESL, and
> outright hostile to the IF.

Well, the Canon FSE includes Greeks (mostly deported
in my version of the history) so the Turks won't get
along with them.  Ramanovs won't like them (It's
Balkan Slavs and Russians, both of whom hate Turks
with a passion--and the Balkan Slavs with good
reason).  Don't know about OU or NAC (Brits have
always had a wierd relationship with the Turk) but if
anything, they will have a close relationship with the
NSL if and only if it's profitable to the NSL
(Ottomans served as good German puppets in WWI because
it was the only way the Germans could influence the
Middle East).
> These would definitely NOT be Byzantines in Space,
> as someone out there	> already runs.  This would be

And in fact the Byzantines in Space will probably
throw nukes in your general direction under general


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