Re: Another political question re: Tuffleverse
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2001 08:44:38 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Another political question re: Tuffleverse
--- Laserlight <> wrote:
> > Just HOW Islamic IS the Islamic Federation?
> 138%, at least. If you're a citizen, it is legal
> but not very safe to
> be anything less.
Depends on your interpretation--in my IFed, it's more
or less a felony to "blaspheme the Prophet" which
holding any religion other than Islam is tantamount
> I'm under the impression that Turkey is not part of
> the IF, although > I don't recall exactly why I have
that impression. > Maybe canon > history mentions
Turkish mercs at some point after > the formation of
> the IF?
Yes, but Turkey is still part of the IF. IF
mercenaries are in great demand for the same reason
Friendly mercenaries are in the Dorsai universe: They
are tenacious, willing to follow stupid orders, cheap,
and not bright enough to rebel. The issue of their
military incompetence is secondary.
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