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Another political question re: Tuffleverse

From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 15:31:00 -0800
Subject: Another political question re: Tuffleverse

I've been giving more thought to the "Too many NAC splinters" dilemma 
regarding developing my own group story line, and I came up with a
solution than the CNP.	But I need to find something out.

Just HOW Islamic IS the Islamic Federation?

The reason I asked is this - My father-in-law spent 3 years teaching in 
Turkey.  I've visited, and really enjoyed the place.  I was wondering if
would be plausible to have a planet somewhere inhabited by Turks, who
not want to be part of the IF.	Turkey very much does NOT consider
Arab, and many modern Turks will tell you, they're Turkish first, Muslim

second.  Many (not ALL) revere Attaturk, are proud of their secular 
givernment and attrempts to modernize Turkey, and desire closer ties
Europe than with the Middle East.  While this is not 100% true of all
and there are problems within the Turkish government, it might make for
interesting group.

I was envisioning 1 system, with colonies on 1 planet and maybe the moon
a Gas giant, as well as perhaps 1 major space station (Attaturk Station,
course).  The population would be mostly descendants of Turkish
as well as refugees from Turkey following the IF's conquest of Terran 
Turkey.  The place would be a big draw for secularists and dissidents
the IF, maybe it would even be hospitable towards Jews, and be on
terms with NI.

Given Turkey's history, the powers it would probably be friendliest to
be the NSL, NAC, and OU (by coincidence, my wife and I visited Turkey at
same time as ANZAC Day.   I saw as many flags with Southern Crosses on
as Crescent Moons).  They'd probably be cordial towards the FSL and 
Romanov's, cautious but polite to the ESL, and outright hostile to the

Military units would be of mixed origin - ships would probably be old
and NAC designs, upgraded, with a few lighter ships of New Turkish
Ground forces would be more home-grown.  There'd be a deliberate attempt
avoid any design/tactical style that even REMOTELY resembled IF - the 
resentment's probably that deep.

These would definitely NOT be Byzantines in Space, as someone out there 
already runs.  This would be a group SEPARATE from the IF, based on
Turkish culture.



Brian B2

"The Irish are the only race of people on Earth for which psychoanalysis
of no use."

				 - S. Freud


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