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Re: Help Painting With Enamels, was Re: Paints Suitable for DSII Minis

From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 10:26:26 -0800
Subject: Re: Help Painting With Enamels, was Re: Paints Suitable for DSII Minis

I've used enamels in a pinch, both for this kind of gaming and for RPG
and I have a few issues with them:
1. As they are thicker, they tend to cover over details.
2. They're less forgiving about how dry they must be before you can
over them.
3. It's hard to make a wash with them.	You can't use water, and if you
thinner, it tends to eat away at the coat underneath, mixing your colors

4. If they're not mixed well enough, flat colors... aren't.
5. Mixing them well will suffice for an arm-muscle workout.


"The Irish are the only race of people on Earth for which psychoanalysis
of no use."

				 - S. Freud

>From: Andy Cowell <>
>Subject: Help Painting With Enamels, was Re: Paints Suitable for DSII
>Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 11:18:49 -0600
>In message <>, 
> writes:
> >
> > Go to a toy or -better- to a plastic modelling shop and check out
> > the modelling paints there. They should have suitable ranges of
> > enamel or acrylic paints.
>Anybody know of a good enamel painting guide?	I usually use
>acryllics, but switched to enamels for the wider range of pre-mixed
>military colors (OD, etc...) for a 1/100 Revell plastic Huey I painted
>up.  It was quite different, and somewhat frustrating.  For example,
>the Testor's enamel primer came off the model and mixed with the
>paint!?  Everything seemed to take four or five coats to cover, and if
>you stroked more than once or twice, the paint below dissolved,
>exposing the plastic.	Enamels can obviously be used effectively, I
>figure I just need a quick lesson in it.  Thanks.


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