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Re: Amour and Walkers was [Re: grav ]

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 18:19:47 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Amour and Walkers was [Re: grav ]

--- Jaime Tiampo <> wrote:
> When designing forces I look at FC as the levels
> that units would be
> contructed with. State of the art killing platforms
> are Sup, regular
> units are Enh, and cheap units and obsolete ones are
> basic.

And state of the art killing platforms tend to mop up
against cheap obsolete ones.  See: M-1A1 vs T-72G in
the Great Desert Firepower Demonstration. 

> They should be just as usefull for the points you
> spend on them. A tank
> should be better in certain cercomstances then a
> walker and a walker
> should be better in others, urban combat for
> example.

Why is being taller than a house an advantage in urban


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