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Re: grav

From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 15:58:44 -0800
Subject: Re: grav

>From: John Atkinson <>
>Subject: Re: grav
>Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 15:14:00 -0800 (PST)
>--- Oerjan Ohlson <> wrote:
> > - Armour is much too cheap: the only reason not to
> > have the maximum  > possible amount ot armour is if
>you don't expect the > vehicle to be fired at
> > at all (in which case it shouldn't have *any*
> > armour).
>Yeah.	But in Real Life, the only reason not to have
>as much armor as is practical revolves around shipping

Which in no way refutes Oerjan's comment.

> > - FCS for direct-fire weapons. For any given amount
> > of points and no matter > what direct-fire weapons
>you use, you're much better > off buying Superior
> > FCS than Enhanced or Basic; it is a huge boost in
> > accuracy for a rather > minor cost increase.
>I noticed that.

I never buy anything but Superior, unless the vehicle's main mission is
an APC or it's main target is infantry, since FCS has no effect on main 
weapons vs. infantry.

> > - Stealth is badly overpriced. For any given amount
> > of points, you're > better off - usually *much*
>better off - forgetting > the Stealth and simply
> > use the points you save to buy more combat vehicles.
>Really?  That I'd dispute--of course I don't generally
>stealth all my vehicles, and none of them to the
>limits of the system.	But I've clobbered plenty of
>mass armies with smaller stealthed forces.

Was it the stalth that made the difference?  I'm guessing if it was a
stealthed force, it also wielded better weapons and FCS.

> > The reason to have a points system in DS2 is as an
> > aid to balance > scenarios. This requires the points
>system to give > *the same* bang per buck
> > pretty much regardless of the designs... something
> > the DS2 points system > doesn't do.
>Not necessarily--some things are silly regardless of
>how you point them.  For instance walkers above size

Silly, yes.  But if they're allowed, they should be just as useful as
other unit.  Otherwise, why bother incorporating them into the rules?


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