[FT] Logistics (was Re: [SG] Firing & actions)
From: Roger Burton West <roger@f...>
Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2001 15:28:06 +0000
Subject: [FT] Logistics (was Re: [SG] Firing & actions)
On Sat, Nov 17, 2001 at 03:08:27AM -0500, adrian.johnson@sympatico.ca
>In your average SG game, the scenarios are one-offs, so you (as the
>know you won't have to wait for resupply for an extra 6 hours while an
>enemy mechanized battalion runs through your position. You're just
>worrying about the 20 minute firefight you're involved with, 'cause
>the extent of the game. Having players use *all* their ordnance in a
>single action - such as firing GMS/P against infantry squads because
>rifles are *just out of range*, is in my book kinda cheesy.
Speaking as a vachead... I reckon that this really comes into play very
strongly in FT. If I run one-off battles (as I will be next weekend), I
insist on FB-standard ships. If I can custom-design ships without
worrying about resupply, expendable ordnance and fighters (which seem,
to me, to be priced with the difficulty of resupply in mind) become
vastly more attractive; at which point, the standard ship doesn't have
anything like enough PDS.
This is one of the reasons why I like campaign games.