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RE: [SG] Firing & actions

From: 湁牤慥⁳飃汲湹⁧愼摮敲獡漮汲湹䁧楲獫潨灳瑩污瑥渮㹯
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 14:08:59 +0100
Subject: RE: [SG] Firing & actions


To draw a comparison to my own personal experience, we were issued 4
for each infantry squad, but they were given two a piece to Rifleman no
1 &
3, the squads "AT" sections ;).

It is probable that this will be the case in the future as well as the
military tend to "specialize" each infantry man. As an example.

Norwegian Infantry Squad (Heavy Mechanized)

Squad Leader (Night Vision Goggles & binoculars + radio)
Rifleman 1, M72x2
Rifleman 2, Medikit (more than compresses)
Rifleman 3, M72x2
Rifleman 4, 40mm GL
Lance Corp, Binoculars, MG Ammo, Night Vision
MG 1, Machinegun, Night Vision
MG 2, Plenty of Ammo, Spare Barrel,

So those 5 IAVR's would probably be concentrated among a few men.

But hey its your game and who said it had to be realistic.


Andreas Ørlyng 	 Mob: 450 02 395

[ikke sensitiv]   

-----Original Message-----
From: John Atkinson []
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: [SG] Firing & actions

--- wrote:

> Having said that, I wouldn't allow it if I was
> refereeing a game.  One > figure, one shot per
activation, fullstop.  

That's how I interpret the intent of the rules.

Also, I > wouldn't let a squad > have five IAVRs, but
that's a matter of taste.  Lots > of IAVRs in one-off
> games leads to silliness like volleyfiring them. 
> Sure a squad might be > issued that many, but not
likely for a single > firefight.  

Actually, yes.	You very probably would be issued that
many for a firefight, depending on different nation's
doctrine.  And against heavy armor, they are supposed
to be volley-fired.  


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