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25mm Support Platforms

From: "Alister Crowe" <croweall@b...>
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 21:08:59 +1100
Subject: 25mm Support Platforms

I was looking for something to act as a heavy support platform for my
Anime-Style Hard Suit Girls squad.
I was considering the following:

GZG Gunspider
'Evil Empire' Tau Crisis Battlesuit
Or a standard-issue Big Dude in a Big Suit of Power Armor with Lots of
Highly Destructive Weaponry.

what would you recommend? It'll be a while before I can save up the

You received this from Alister Crowe
ICQ: 77614478
AIM: Zeruelofmecha
"And lo, we the techs build the set and hang the lights and cue the
and fly the drapes and build a wonderful show. And Lo, the actor shows
misses his cue, falls on the set, stands out of the light, says the
line and trips into the new scrim. And we think 'what a wonderful show
except for the goddamn actor.'"
"An actor without techies is a naked person standing in the dark trying
emote. A techie without actors is a person with markedtable skills."

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