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Re: [LST] Making a 'pedia entry Re: OK OK I Give! (Was Powers)

From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2001 14:11:06 -0800
Subject: Re: [LST] Making a 'pedia entry Re: OK OK I Give! (Was Powers)

Again, bad news.  Thanks.  Anyone with any suggestions?


"The Irish are the only race of people on Earth for which psychoanalysis
of no use."

				 - S. Freud

>From: Indy <>
>Subject: Re: [LST] Making a 'pedia entry Re: OK OK I Give! (Was Powers)
>Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2001 15:25:23 -0500
>Brian Bilderback wrote:
> >
> > I went to the Unofficial GZG Encyclopedia Galactica page, and I
found a 
> > unclaimed stars in just the righ position for a couple of them to
> > CNP.  But I had difficulty making sure they weren't M-class.  Could 
> > give me a hand with this?
>The following are courtesy of the SIMBAD astronomical database.
> > They are:
> >
> > AY Indi
>M0.5 flare star. Also known as V* AY Ind.
> > Wolf 1495
>M2. High propoer motion (ie, it's moving relatively fast in
>comparison to others around). Also known as GJ 3809.
> > AC 12’2306-155
>Had a hard time with this one as the SIMBAD database doesn't recognize
>this designation. I had to hop a few catalogs to get this as LTT 5734
>or Wolf 1478 before the SIMBAD database would recognize it. It is an
>M3.5 variable star; already told you two other designations for it. 
> > Ross 845
>M4.5 flare star. Also known as V* GQ Vir.
> > Ross 848
>M3.5 high proper motion star, also known as GJ 545.
> > CD 55’9073
>K5 high proper motion star. Also known as HD 211970.
> > CD 60’7821 L
>M0.5 variable star; also known as NSV 13984. Not sure what
>the "L" signifies.
> > CP 40’7021 LTT
>M2.5 variable star. Also known as NSV 7119 or LTT 6210. Not sure
>why the LTT is listed as you have it above; shouldn't be there.
>Probably a few good reason why these stars are unclaimed. Now
>why the Alarishi haven't already snagged them up is something
>to think about...

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