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Re: Powers That Be

From: Brian Burger <yh728@v...>
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 23:01:56 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Powers That Be

On Thu, 1 Nov 2001, Sean Bayan Schoonmaker wrote:

> On Thursday, November 1, 2001, at 07:18 PM, Brian Bilderback wrote:
> > That WAS my plan.  Whyfor not?
> Let's just say that it's been grossly overused.

To say the least. To expand on John A's comments, it seems like every
who joins the list has their own private retooled version of the USA -
another breakaway NAC bit.

My theory is that all of these breakaway bits left on July 4, 2176;
be hearing about the Centuri Tea Party any day now.

The list as a collective has developed a habit of coming down like a
of rectangular building thingies on yet-another-NAC-rebel-group.

John's also got the most entertaining suggestions as to who else there
in the world to make interesting and possibly playable star nations out

Of course, as a Canadian, I'm hugely amused by the NAC - civilizing the
Americans sounds like a great national mission! (just kidding!)

Brian - -
- -

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