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Re: DS/FT/SG: Tuffleyverse Cannon & Personal Stratrgy/Tactics/Design Philosophies

From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 15:15:25 -0800
Subject: Re: DS/FT/SG: Tuffleyverse Cannon & Personal Stratrgy/Tactics/Design Philosophies

And here I always thought that meant PRISON.....


"The Irish are the only race of people on Earth for which psychoanalysis
of no use."

				 - S. Freud

>From: Derek Fulton <>
>Subject: Re: DS/FT/SG: Tuffleyverse Cannon & Personal	
>Stratrgy/Tactics/Design Philosophies
>Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2001 10:06:19 +1100
>At 05:50  31/10/01 -0500, Glenn wrote:
>>HOW many people you got on that island?  <grin>
>Did we mention Tasmania started off as a penal colony :)
>Derek Fulton
>12 Balaka st.
>Rosny, Hobart.
>Tasmania,  7018.
>Phone; (03) 62459123
>Mobile; 0438459123


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