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Re: Painting irridium vehicles

From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 13:15:55 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Painting irridium vehicles

On 31-Oct-01 at 10:03, Ground Zero Games ( wrote:

> I agree that the vehicles probably should be camo-painted to make
> and certainly all the ones that the Warlords use for their big
> game are, but there ARE a number of references in the books (IIRC) to
> "dull sheen" of Iridium armour (or some similar phrase) that implies
> are actually bare metal; I suppose this COULD be read as seeing
patches of
> bare armour where paint has been burned off....?

The feeling I got from the books was camo was inaffective on the
modern battlefield and A. Hammer considered it a waste of time
and effort.  Iridium is supposedly the most corrosion resistant

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