Re: Re: [FT] OU Defence Force Website now error checked and corrected
From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 19:20:16 -0500
Subject: Re: Re: [FT] OU Defence Force Website now error checked and corrected
> Not so much claimed as occupied. The Alarishi are so darned useful
> as live-in caretakers that if they didn't exist, the OU would be
> to invent them. Half the time, the OU can plausibly deny little
"Watch out, that cargo pod you're hijacking is loaded with
antimat....oh, well."
"Why, no, our meteor defense system doesn't ask whether a meteor is
changing velocity. Yeah it could be a ship, but it could also be a
meteor with a gas pocket or something. It's a lot safer to go ahead
and shoot."
"Warning! Approaching ships are advised that they will be crossing an
ethics gradient at approximately 50,000km range."