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Re: DS/FT/SG: Tuffleyverse Cannon & Personal Stratrgy/Tactics/Design Philosophies

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 18:21:20 -0500
Subject: Re: DS/FT/SG: Tuffleyverse Cannon & Personal Stratrgy/Tactics/Design Philosophies

> Discordians - Dislike order and social structures - who do you

Can't be the AE as we *like* social structures.  We have a lot of
them....  <g>

> The UFOs - well, we have three known alien races in FB2, OTOH, UFOs,
> are, by definition, unidentified.

ORC have saucers

> Shangri-La - frankly, this one's got me stumped :-(

The Gurkhas

> The Network - one possible contender, but IIRC it hasn't been
> recently.


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