Re: DS/FT/SG: Tuffleyverse Cannon & Personal Stratrgy/Tactics/Design Philosophies
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 08:52:12 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: DS/FT/SG: Tuffleyverse Cannon & Personal Stratrgy/Tactics/Design Philosophies
--- Brian Bilderback <> wrote:
> How many people out there ever stray from the
> official "Tuffleyverse" and > come up with their own
political/military powers to> scrap it out? It was
Stray?? Stray??
Nah, not me. I don't so much stray from the
background as rape it completely and abuse it in such
way that, if Mr. Tuffley took the same approach to
canon as another English Game Company I could mention,
would have him putting out a hit on me.
But let's face it, Byzantines in Space are cool. And
they let me assume a wealthy enough power to use the
tactics I like. And it does work if you assume that
robots replaced the peasant/serf class.
> ship/tank/uniform designs (or coolest name), and
> learn to follow their > tactical doctrines? Or do
None of them have a doctrine per se, at least
cannonically speaking. Everyone assumes doctrine will
be based on the dominant power in that political
unit--FSE will use French tactics (Surrender to
everything that speaks German), NSL will use German
tactics (Let's invade Poland!), ESU will use
Sino-Soviet tactics (ie, none whatsoever), and NAC
will use some hybrid of US and UK tactics (except that
American-recruited units will not stop for tea instead
of taking Caen).
John "Who me, opinionated?" Atkinson
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