Re: DS2:Scratchbuilding a dropship
From: "Radio Free R'Lyeh" <the_nemesis@c...>
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 08:09:50 -0500
Subject: Re: DS2:Scratchbuilding a dropship
I'm in the middle of converting two of the "Atlantis: The Lost
AquaEvac vehicles for use as drop ships. I was able to pick them up at
local KB toy store for $7 a piece. Not only do you get some cool bits,
main vehicle features a fold down front ramp. Might be worth a look.
Tony Finan
"Let the revels begin, let the fire be started. We're dancing for the
restless and the broken hearted."
This .sig terminates with Swan.
> >
> >Has anyone attempted scratch building a dropship (a la the big GZG
> >one)? I
> >can't afford the commercial thing and was wondering how one would do
> >it -
> >balsa, stockcard, foamboard??
> >
> >I tried making a card template over the w'end and it was a big flop.
> >I
> >could cut it accurately enough using thick card and then had to fill
> >in the
> >gaps using artistic medium. In the end it looked like a really bad
> >1st year
> >fine arts student attempt at sculting. very dissappointing. Any
> >ideas
> >appreciated.
> >
> >cheers
> >dave tan
> >