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RE: 25mm and the herresy of **mm

From: "McClure, Kent" <kent.mcclure@l...>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 06:06:47 -0800
Subject: RE: 25mm and the herresy of **mm

Out of curiosity, how long would the EVA's extension cord be for DSII?
Defeat it by forcing it to go beyond the range of its power cord.  Or
use a
couple of Angels against it.  If it isn't Shinji's EVA, the battle
should be
in the favor of the Angels.

Kent M. McClure
	"Yeah, tactics.  The most basic tactic of all, Mr. Yamamoto. 
		   kindergartner knows it.  You always win by running
		   Lt. Cmdr Justy Ueki Tylor,  Captain of the UPSF
		   from Irresponsible Captain Tylor,
		   episode 13 - Strategy.....Tactics...or the Lack

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Laserlight []
> Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 8:37 PM
> To:
> Subject:	Re: 25mm and the herresy of **mm
> From: Alister Crowe <>
> > I know i'm lagging here just it takes so long to go through all the
> messages
> > on this list...
> >
> > i happen to own a 5mm Evagelion (well, its about 5mm scale, working
> off the
> > size of the damn thing in the anime). It stands about 19 cm
> CM???

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