Part 2A of Why....
From: Glenn M Wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2001 12:02:40 EDT
Subject: Part 2A of Why....
Okay, back to our reasons:
1) If you use HEL's and you want something more effective against AFV
close and personal.
Okay, I will further limit this to Size 2 (preferably Size 3 through 5 )
AFV's since Class 1 AFV's can't have two weapons <grin>. And I don't
want to consider manual overrides on PDS's either. Also I am for now
limiting the CoAx weapons to size 1 or 2. I will mention a significant
use of the exceptional use of a Size 3 CoAx in relation to HEl main guns
When I looked at an Excel Spread sheet I came up with for this analysis
first tried the HEl ( size 2 thru 5) Main Gun paired with a GMS/H. I
found that the HEL's 60" range was very limited by the chits for
effective damage (red - fair - or, versus Ablative armor, green - weak)
and while a GMS doesn't really exist as a CoAx mount (or isn't required
to from what I see in the rules) it seemed a good possible choice
A) you can't have Reactive (The GMS/H bane) and Ablative Armor (The HEL
bane) on the same vehicle, B) GMS/H has one range (48" - average), It
a good chit range (R+Y) for all but Reactive armor (see above) and it
very good damage (5 chits). For a size 2 AFV a MDC/2 is a good
alternate choice but that is an aside for now...
Originally I did not consider a HKP because I was going to limit the
guns to Size 1 or 2 and a HKP only goes down to size 3... Using a HKP/3
would be a significantly powerful CoAx weapon against AFV (range
and fair to good chit selection) closing with your HEL armed AFV but it
was outside of my original conception and uses 6 critical capacity
Since a size 1 DFFG has a range of 12/8/4 and a size 2 has a range of
18/12/6 I felt this was a little "too close" although the size 3 (Range
24/16/8) begins to suggest a viable (if larger then my first cut) CoAx
gun versus AFV.
Another (better ?) choice might be MDC's since the ranges (size 1 -
24/16/8 - and size 2 - 36/24/12) start being competitive and the damage
chits are fair to very good. Add the HEL vehicles are likely to be HMT
or FPG equipped although a Size 3 or better AFV can use MDC size 1 and a
size 4 could use MDC/2 even if CFE equipped.
2) You want an effective Anti-Infantry weapon that reaches beyond the
12" range of the APSW and preferably out to if not past the 36" of the
infantry carried GMS/L.
See part 2B
3) You have a short range and effective Anti-AFV weapon but you want a
"sniper" gun for longer range shots at light vehicles, "TOW-Trucks"
(class 1/2 and soft skinned vehicles armed with GMS/H's,) and
scout/observer vehicles beyond main gun range calling down the Arty
This is generally a matter of DFFG using nations since Nations using
primarily HVC, RFAC and (lesser?) HKP weapons will be using CFE or maybe
HMT power plants. Else they would be considering the MDC if they used
FGP's. Although a HEl/1 is certainly a viable option for them as I will
discuss later.
See part 2C
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