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Re: [FT] Library for xfig

From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 09:30:38 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [FT] Library for xfig

On 25-Oct-01 at 04:19, Roger Burton West ( wrote:
> On or about Wed, Oct 24, 2001 at 04:26:33PM -0400, Roger Books typed:
> >Just wondered if anyone is interested in my library for
> >xfig (Unix fig program)?
> >
> >I'm using it to make 3x5's with various ships on them.
> >I'll put a control track on the back and laminate the
> >cards.  Dry erase markers and I can stop printing
> >sheets.
> I'm slightly curious... haven't used xfig for a while, though. How
> is it to convert to other formats, specifically Postscript?

fig2dev -L ps -P <infile> <outfile>

fig2dev also does a variety of image formats.  I'm using it through
ghostscript to print cardstock on my DeskJet.

> I've nearly finished my shiptools package, which contains a full ship
> design system, fleet editor, and fleet printer - which produces full
> sheets. I'll announce it here when it's ready for download; it's
> in Perl/Tk, which means that although it's primarily meant for Unix,
> there shouldn't be any problem with running it on Windows...
> Roger

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