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FMA : Full Metal Anorak

From: "Thomas Barclay" <kaladorn@f...>
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 00:27:19 -0400
Subject: FMA : Full Metal Anorak

Full - compleat, complete, entire
Metal - a hard substance made from certain elements in 
the periodic table that have certain common character 
Anorak - NOT a piece of headgear, but rather a form of 
windbreaker. Distinctly a statement of some sort of "anti-
fashion". You won't ever appear on the cover of GQ in an 

Full Metal Jacket was a Kubrick (I believe) film about 
Vietnam. It was a nasty piece - some real ugly scenes. 
Full Metal Anorak is just a play on that theme (Anorak 
being a sort of kit for UK wargamers...). Apparently 
dingy shades of greens and browns are common and 
unattractive is an undrestatement. 

It just all reflects St.^3 Tuffley of Needham's strange and 
perverse sense of humor. And of course, there is the 
little detail that it creates a tag which can be used to 
associate all games with a similar mechanic for IP 
protection reasons. Not that any of us in the generic 
gaming community like IP lawyers.... or at least hope to 
ever have them professionally involved in our gaming, 
though I'm sure they're all nice people personally. ;) 

>From the two main on-line dictionaries:
anorak n : `windcheater' is a British term 
an·o·rak (n-rk) n. A heavy jacket with a hood; a parka.

Thomas Barclay
Instructor, CST 6304 (TCP/IP programming for the Internet)

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