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Re: SG Ops Level Game

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 20:57:58 -0400
Subject: Re: SG Ops Level Game

> Initial semi-thought-out half baked glimmering:
> Hordes of the Grunts

units would be companies, by the way

> Units have combat dice, die type based on their weapon class (eg
> 3 = d8 ).  Separate ratings for anti-armor, anti-infantry, anti-air.
> DRM = quality (untrained = +1, elite = +5)

And defend with armor die + quality DRM.

> Roads are rated for supply (eg interstate can move 10 supply,
> back road can move 1), activations are based on whether you have
> supply or not.

This doesn't mean you'll have unlimited supply even if you're parked
in a harbor with a rail line and two autobahns.  But it'll help.  I

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