Rules questions
From: "Tommy" <chuczek@w...>
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 22:50:50 +0200
Subject: Rules questions
I`m wargamer from Poland. I think there is only two people playing GZG
games in Poland. Me and my friend. I vave a few questions to you. Please
answer if you can interest and/ or can.
1. FT question. In 1st Fleet Book for FT Jon mentions different types of
fighters. They were describe in More Thrust. This book is unavailable
now, unfortunately. I wrote to Jon and he answered that these rules for
fighters will be placed on GZG internet site if he will find a little
time. But, as you know he is a busy man. So I have request for you about
sending me this excerpt from the rules, or if it is not permitted maybe
giving me a direction for making such a rules. Thanks for every help.
2. I don`t know if you are interested in fantasy wargames, but I want to
play fantasy battles with rules based on SGII, cause I love the rules
and most of them can be used in fantasy games. I used to play Chronopia,
but when I discovered GZG rules I want more "realizm" in a game. I
resolved most of the problems but still have a few. The most important
is how to make and resolve monsters in game. They often have a few more
hands/ heads than average human, they are much bigger and have natural
armour. It makes difficult to resolve close combat with them. To me
close combat in such close combat oriented game should be more complex
(and more interested) than in SGII which is firefight game. I can`t
imagine single swordmen killing for example Dragon. Monsters should
resist a lot of wounds. How to make it without making a notes after
every wound (which will slow the game)? I couldn`t resolve this problem,
if you are interested and want to help, please send your suggestion.
3. Do you know anything about publication of FMA? Rules for fighting
very small battles with dozen or so fighters per side. I know GZG have
got to published them in this year. Will it be published or not? Do you
know anything about a system? I need such a system. I tried a Necro*****
but it sucks. Maybe you know other good game for simulating such a
4. SGII question. Close combat. Don`t you think power armour troops in a
game are overpowered in close combat. I have had such a situation in a
game. Four power armour troops (Veteran) charged a 13 men Green squad
(they were after regrouping). It was a carnage. These four beasts
slaughtered them to the last man. Multyply of a throw is deadly. I think
that with such overhelming superiority in numbers these power troops
should be disassembled to nuts and screws. After a battle I have made an
simulation wit normal sized squad (Regular or Veteran) against such a
small power armor squad and I get the same result - massacre. You can
kill whole squad of regular troops with only one power armor. After that
I made a modification. In fights with few men against one every man
after first gets one die up modification. It is cumulated (1st + 0, 2nd
+1, 3rd +2 and so on.) What do you think about it? Do you have such a
event? Any suggestions?
5. FT questions. About Control Parties. When are Control Parties work.
At the start of activation, at the end of it or in other time. I really
didn`t like an situation, when I made an threshold damage on my opponent
ship and in his activation he first used a Parties, was able to repair
weapons then shot at me. Where is a profit from that? After that game we
use DamageCP at the and of activation of ship. What do you think?
So thanks for every possible answers and suggestions. Salutations from
Poland and bye