15mm Stargrunt Miniatures
From: "Brian Bell" <bbell1@i...>
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 20:01:27 -0400
Subject: 15mm Stargrunt Miniatures
Today I finally got down to cleaning the 15mm Stargrunt Infantry
that I recieved from GZG earlier this year. After doing so I
regret that I must update my previous comments.
I had reported that there was a little flash on the figures, but
that they were pretty clean. This was based on a sample of each
pack (A1, A2, A3, N1, N2, N3, K1, K2, & K3). After spending 4
hours removing crotch-webbing (admittedly on over 100 figures),
I must admit that there was quite a bit more flash that I
reported earlier. Most units required a minimum ammount of flash
removal, however, 1 squad was cast much better than the others
and required NO flash removal (other than on the bottom of the
Most of the figures are fairly detailed. But I must agree with
Stuart that the limbs are somewhat thicker than the earlier
Stargrunt miniatures (which I have seen, but do not own any).
Also, I was disapointed with the limited number of poses. Each
group of non-PA had 1 leader/communications specialist, 1
SAW (NSL could be a PPG), 1 GMS trooper, and 4 AR troopers. The
4 AR troopers all appear to be the same mold (perhaps weapon
arms are bent at _slightly_ different angles). Note that this
is within a nationalities troops. Figures from the different
nationalities had good variance.
And as a matter of taste, I did not care for the look of the
Kra'Vak power armor. This is just a design dislike and not a
reflection of the quality of the figure, and the design is the
same in 15 and 25mm. The power armor is very retro (looks like
an ape version of the Michilen Man). And the axe wielding
trooper (leader?) with the chipped axe looked very un-SciFi.
But as I said, this is just my personal dislike.
Brian Bell
ICQ: 12848051
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