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Re: SCA? was Re: Decals for tanks

From: "Scott Jaqua" <sjaqua@y...>
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 15:42:03 -0700
Subject: Re: SCA? was Re: Decals for tanks

----- Original Message -----
From: "Glenn M Wilson" <>

> SCA?	As in Society of Creative Anachronisms, Inc.? Assuming it does -
> SCA and GZG games?  Pretty broad swath, sir!	Ever try and put bits of
> the former in the latter?
> Gracias,
> Glenn  (A member once upon a time)

Yup, that would be the SCA I was referring to. And no I haven't tried to
combine my interest in both. Could be worse, that broad swath is even
broader when you take into account my expensive hobby (yeah,yeah I know
people would think the SCA is expensive). My other hobby is Under-Water
Photography :)

Scott B. Jaqua
(Don Njall Olaf Hagerson)

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