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RE: [SGII] Zombies

From: johncrim@v...
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 23:02:36 -0500
Subject: RE: [SGII] Zombies

> G'day John,
> Sounds good to me... fun, fun, fun ;)
> >They will automatically move towards the closest 
> >living being, but will avoid significant
> >amounts of open flame.
> What even their evil overlord with the cruel, but maniacal laugh? ;P

Evil overlord?	Oh, no, no, no!  That would be *fantasy*!  These are the
kinds of Zombies
that are awakened by the radiation of a crashing space probe, or some
weird and icky alien

You know, *scientific* Zombies!  Really.  Trust me on this.

> >In any situation that would result in a captive, the
> >unfortunate fellow becomes another casualty.
> I take it you mean dead, not another zombie?

I hadn't actually considered that.  I figured that the Zombies would
devour the guy, but
having him join their ranks might be fun too.

> >In close assault, Zombies roll 1d6 x 2.
> You may find this a little strong, but I guess on playtesting will

Maybe 1d4 x 2.	YUou're right, it needs to be playtested.  Fortunately,
this is the kind
of thing that lends itself pretty easily to solo playtesting.  Zombie
tactics are pretty
simple, after all.

John Crimmins

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